It’s been a rainy spring, hasn’t it? The same rain that has probably hampered your style when it comes to enjoying the (finally!) warmer weather has also been a challenge for farmers. Across the country, farmers are struggling to get crops in the ground due to wet conditions. Here in central Indiana, when the ground gets dry enough, we seem to get more rain. Then it can take days of dry weather to get back in the fields.
All that rain has made spring 2019 an unusual one. Five year averages in Indiana say that by this time, typically 80% of corn and 50% of soybeans have already been planted. This year, it’s around 15% of corn and 6% of soybeans. Chances are, if you are driving around you aren’t going to find many fields planted. The situation is getting desperate for farmers.
The good news is that here at MDSC we’ve been able to get several plantings of sweet corn in the ground, despite the wet conditions. Dad does his best to plant often—from early spring into the middle of summer—to have a continuous supply at the markets week after week.

Our first planting of 2019, going strong!
Right now, we could use a lot of help from Mother Nature so we can continue to get in the fields to plant—and so that our planted sweet corn continues to get good growing weather.
Many of the local farmers markets have already started up for the 2019 season, and we are looking forward to our opening week! Be on the lookout for us to start our season the last week of June/first of July. We can’t wait to see you all!
More Photos of this Year’s Sweet Corn

Planting #2

Planting #3

Planting #4, just peeking up

Baby seedlings in planting #5
I hope the weather improves, and you have another great season. I am looking forward to getting my next shipment of your corn down here in Houston, Texas.